About Margot…

Margot | Australian Food Blogger | Gather and GrazeWelcome to ‘Gather and Graze’ – I’m Margot. Australian born, however I’ve been lucky enough to also live in 3 other countries around the world (France, New Zealand and the USA).  In a bittersweet way, a little piece of my heart has been left behind in each of these wonderful places. For the moment, home is here in Australia.

I’m married and the mother of two gorgeous kids. For me… one of life’s absolute pleasures is to sit down at a table and share a plate of simply prepared food with those that I love. With the sharing of food comes conversation, laughter and a sense of truly connecting at a leisurely pace.

The world is an amazing place and I’m always so excited to learn something new about how other people (both past and present) prepare and eat food. In many countries around the world, we’re losing the knowledge and ability to cook fresh, delicious food from scratch. Recipes and techniques are no longer being passed on from generation to generation – something I find so incredibly sad!  Hoping that it’s not too late, I’m determined to play my part in trying to inspire others to do away with much of the rubbish on offer and find a better way of nourishing our bodies.

Come join me on my journey to try to encourage others to slow down a little, eat better and enjoy life!

68 thoughts on “About Margot…

    1. Gather and Graze Post author

      So lovely to have met you Beck at EDB… and how fabulous that we seem to have a number of things in common, including our philosophy on food. Welcome to G&G!

  1. deborahdemuijnck

    Hello Margot, I’m so happy to have just stumbled over your blog. Not just your recipes are amazing; I very much enjoy how you capture all the different stages of cooking/baking through photography. Very aesthetic. Can’t wait to see which delicious ideas you’ll be coming up with next…
    Check out my blog as well if you like. It has a recipe section, that might suit your taste (though it’s definitely not as the super advanced state you’re at…)

    1. Gather and Graze Post author

      Thanks so much for your very kind and generous comment Deborah! I look forward to checking out Mint and Copper very soon, especially to the recipe section… something I never tire of looking at and reading about! Cheers, Margot

  2. Hatti | isthisfood

    So glad I found your wonderful blog, Margot. Your recipes are fantastic – I can’t wait to give them a go. Especially that coconut and apricot slice – my favourite ingredients!

    1. Gather and Graze Post author

      Thanks so much Jen! A very warm welcome to the wonderful world of blogging and also to Gather and Graze. I really appreciate your kind comment. Cheers, Margot

  3. Sandhya

    You have a fabulous blog, Margot. I agree that it is so sad that recipes and techniques of cooking are not passed down the generations these days. I consider myself lucky to have had a mother who taught cooking classes!

    1. Gather and Graze Post author

      Thank you very much Sandhya and a warm welcome to Gather and Graze! I think that, indeed, you are very lucky to have grown up with a mother who cooked so well that she taught and inspired others with her techniques and style. Fingers crossed that my children are equally as grateful later in life for having a Mum who cooked for them and also encouraged them to be in the kitchen themselves! 🙂

      1. Sandhya

        Thank you for the warm welcome, Margot! I am sure your kids will appreciate your cooking and also cook on their own as they are familiar with being in the kitchen.

  4. Collin

    Loved your introduction and food philosophy. I find it weird that I meet so many women these days who say they don’t cook. I don’t understand that…you have to eat, don’t you? Why wouldn’t you want to learn how to enjoy the incredibly diverse ways to prepare wonderful things to eat for your family? I find that sad, too.

    1. Margot @ Gather and Graze Post author

      How kind… thank you so much for stopping by Gather and Graze today and leaving such a thoughtful comment. I can only think that some people just haven’t realised how amazing and life-changing cooking good food from scratch can be. Such a perplexing matter of how you turn it all around and encourage the masses to refuse all the awful processed food on offer. :o/
      Cheers, Margot

    2. polianthus

      I agree with you Collin and of course with Margot – it seems like saying you don’t cook is viewed as being synomymous with being emancipated – instead of adding on additional activities, pathways and journeys to the more traditional ones, it almost seems like the view is, you turn your back on the old and replace it with the new which is a real shame.

  5. Lisa

    Hi Margot,

    You have such a lovely blog, well designed! And amazing food. I share your passion for providing simple, healthy food. So glad to have stumbled across Gather and Graze 🙂

    1. Margot @ Gather and Graze Post author

      Welcome to G&G Lisa! What a lovely thing to say – thanks so very much! This blogging project is definitely a labour of love, so I’m pleased to hear that you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen so far! I look forward to coming across to visit your own blog very soon. Cheers, Margot

      1. Lisa

        Thanks Margot. I’m glad to hear that although its a labour, you still love doing it! Look forward to seeing more 🙂

    1. Gather and Graze Post author

      Oh Linda, I’m really honoured that you thought of me to nominate for this award – thank you! Unfortunately I decided a little while ago to become an ‘Award-Free Blog’… there’s a little icon in my right margin explaining better my reasons why. I hope you understand… and can perhaps pass the award on to somebody else, if you’d like. Thanks so much, Margot

  6. apsara

    I’m so glad I found your blog (through Fiesta Fridays). I love your philosophy; it is very much like Michael Pollan’s and I’m a big fan of his books. Look forward to your posts

    1. Gather and Graze Post author

      Thank you so much Apsara – very kind of you! Unsurprisingly, I’m a big Michael Pollan fan too and have read a number of his books. It all makes so much sense – yet the majority of the world seems unready to make the big changes required… Very sad! 😦
      I’m looking forward to exploring your own blog very soon! Cheers, Margot

  7. Loretta

    How lovely, I like your introduction. I’m fairly new here, but before gazing and doing the virtual “gorge” on recipes, I head straight to the “About Me” part. Like me you’ve taken a bit of every country you’ve lived in and treasured it. Would be happy to hear your stories sometime. :).

    1. Gather and Graze Post author

      Hi Loretta, thanks very much for checking out Gather and Graze. I do exactly the same thing when I discover a new blog – the ‘About Me’ page often goes straight to heart of why each person is blogging… it’s pretty wonderful when that resounds strongly with your own philosophy about food and life in general. I’ll be across as soon as I get a chance to have a look at your own blog – hope you’re enjoying it so far… and welcome! Cheers, Margot

    1. Gather and Graze Post author

      Thank you Kirsty, that’s very sweet of you and I certainly feel chuffed that you thought of G&G when passing on the award! I decided however to become an ‘Award-Free Blog’ many months ago, mostly due to the often time-consuming tasks that an award asks you to comply with. There’s a little icon in my right-hand margin that explains a little better my thoughts…
      Thanks once again! Cheers, Margot

    1. Gather and Graze Post author

      Indira, thanks so much for following G&G! I look forward to getting updates from your kitchen too (and to exploring some of your past posts in the next few days)! Cheers, Margot

    1. Gather and Graze Post author

      Dani, I must say that I was really very excited to come across your blog! I feel like we’re possibly at a very similar stage of our lives and cook with a like-minded style and philosophy. It was lovely to look through your posts and think “Yes, I’m sure my whole family would enjoy eating this dish”! Cheers, Margot

      1. danicelegon

        Wow Margot. I was also struck by our similarities as I looked at your blog. I too have lived overseas, in Italy, and spent alot of time in New York. I have a young family and I feel very strongly about feeding them pure food. I look forward to your posts and sharing family recipes. Dani.

    1. Gather and Graze Post author

      Thanks John, I’ve only just scratched the surface of your wonderful, comprehensive blog, so I can’t wait to do some more exploring. Italian cuisine features strongly in our home – always so full of flavour and makes such beautiful and often simple use of quality ingredients. You are so lucky to have grown up immersed in it all! I love the fact that you are recording so many traditional recipes and not allowing them to disappear into thin air – I truly applaud you for that!

    1. Gather and Graze Post author

      We do indeed! It really has been the most wonderful part of creating this blog to find others (just like you) in all parts of world who share the same philosophy when it comes to food. So many recipes on your blog that I think my whole family would enjoy – I look forward to trying some and exploring your site some more! Margot

  8. Marish

    Thank you for letting me share with you the love of food. Looking forward to eating yummy food, drinking wonderful wine and sharing stories together.xxx beeso


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